1. The one who designed the universe is the one who created
  2. The billions of planets - space between them - time and all kind of parameters in them - conscious human in his image in only one of them - the unknown in all others - whom we call GOD, who is the source of air - light - liquid - solid - flesh - love - wisdom - hope - joy - everything.

    So help me GOD Explaining this.

Can science and faith be partners in pursuit of the ultimate answers of life?

Source of joy love wisdom and hope

Let’s look - simply in brief - at the most important parameters witch allow life to be possible on hearth.

One of the most striking discoveries of modern science has been that the laws and constants of physics unexpectedly conspire in an extraordinary way to make the universe habitable for life.

For example the Big Bang was not a chaotic, disorderly event. Instead, it appears to have been fine-tuned for the existence of intelligent life with a complexity and precision that literally defies human comprehension. In other words, the universe we see today and our very existence depends upon a set of highly special initial conditions. This phenomenon is strong evidence that the Big Bang was not an accident, but that it was designed to transcend time space gas and solid. We will talk about the Big Bang lately because there a new definition for it.

Take the expansion ratio of the universe it’s tuned to one part in trillion trillions.So if increase or decrease slightly life would be impossible witch means there wouldn’ t be the right time for things to grow or to form a different look through a chemical reaction etc…

Take gravity it’s balanced by the weak force toward the center of the earth and by the strong force out to the universe if the radius of earth is increased by an inch nothing will stay still witch means no control in anything total disorder and if decreased everything become heavy it will be even hard to lift a leg witch means difficulty to circulate, no communication.

Earth is just large enough with its precise dimensions so that its gravity retains the atmosphere and yet just small enough not to keep harmful gases. Its inclination of 23 degree is the cause of our four seasons cycle and its right distance of 93 million miles from the sun gives us the perfect heat to be converted into the most crucial element "energy”.

One expert said there are more than thirty separate physical or cosmological parameters that require precise calibration in order to produce a life-sustaining universe.

This means the fundamental laws and parameters of physics have precise numerical values that could have been otherwise. That is, there’s no fundamental reason why these values have to be the way they are. Yet all of these laws and constants conspire in a mathematically incredible way to make life in the universe possible.So these numerical values must remain the most compelling evidence for cosmic design.

I have learned the above from books i have read and can recite it - the thing is where does this leads us? -

So where there are precisions and orders, conscious entity is running behind them.We all know that everything built on Earth after creation is directed by human consciousness even a nest of a bird is built by its instinctual conscious. As we use to say “behind every fortune there is a crime” the truth is - behind every success there is a sacrifice and the ultimate truth is behind every living, visible, invisible objects there is a conscious entity who govern all of them witch is a huge task achievable only by one who can be omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.

The question is - who can be This all knowing powerful entity?…

The Greeks, they worked hard to end up with different gods for every creation of course before these peripatetics their were many who were on the pursuit of finding GOD but Plato who lived in 5th century CBE, even if he believe in many gods, after the execution of his master Socrats, he traveled to certain countries and came back home to tell by his accumulated knowledge that there is One GOD who is unchangeable, incorruptible etc… whom is the source of everything. he even layout the three ways to reason active and contemplative life…

At the time of the way of life was the way of the Greeks - when Alexander the great was conquering the world,  to spreed the Greeks civilisation, he encountered a small country with a society witch lives by the rule of GOD. He included them in his Empire and because he was intersted in their book of law - in this book it’s written what had happen before and what its to unfload in the future and more- and let them live by their rules. Fortunately his predecessors also liked it and ordered a translation of the book in Greek…

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Reading materials
Here are some books titles:
-The case for the Creator
-City of God
-Man is not alone
Video : Facts about the universe